As you know that months ago, two-rounded base Town hall 10 is known as big barriers for attackers who want to have 2 star in Clash of Clans War. There are some concepts like below:

There are some benefits of this base:
1) It is hard to call all castle clan troops (in case there are several archers, wizards...), because in two-rounded base, castle clan is in the center.
2) The strongest defense focusing on the center and every def around to safeguard the center.
3) It is hard to use archers and minion in edges of the base to increase percentage, then maybe Town hall is destroyed but the opponent can not have 2 stars easily.
4) When attacking this base, if attackers do not know pincer war attack, his troops will lose their way and move around the base, not enter the center.

Then how to take 2 star of two rounded base in Town hall 10? It is quite easy if you use pincer strategy with 3-4 jump spells and 3-4  golems combined.

Pincer strategy is very effective to two-rounded base
Or even, with the apprearing of witches level 3 and Grand Warden, this base is easily cleared. You can see more strategy with Queen Walk and 9 witches

So someone will questions that should I still use this base or not? Personally, I think you should use two-rounded base flexbile like this:

1) Set it to your farming base, it will help you save resources quite good
2) In a soft war with few town hall 10, you can use this base
3) In a hard war with a lot of town hall 10 or town hall 11, and profile of opponent is 3 star warrior, you should change the base in preparation time.

I hope this share is useful for you guys!

Hi all,
"The Witch never fights alone, constantly raising dead warriors. Upgraded Witches raise more skeletons at a time.". You can see its characteristics as below in levels. And remember that, mother of witch always is behind skeletons.

When we talk to get 2 star in town hall 11, it is never an easy task. Eagle Artillery is activated just after you release some troops, especially golems which get x2 damage (in the latest updates of Clash of Clans).
The most dangerous threat while attacking town hall 11

As a result, your troops will die before they reach to the town hall. If your town hall level is 11, Grand Warden will help you to restore troops's blood, but you are in 10 level, it is impossible. Then I always suggest people who want to get 2 star in town hall 10 to use witches. Why?

1) In max level 2, witch summons 8 skeleton at the same time. It means that, if you bring 2 witches, 16 skeleton will appear and lure Eagle Artillery and you will safeguard your heros as well as golems.

2) Skeletons will move faster than other troops, it will activate traps like bombs, springs and lure for your main troops which generate high damage.

3) Witches and skeleton will take times for you to release troops in the corners to have enough 2 star.

For more realistic, you can see this strategy on the videos:

Mentioning to witches, it is really strong enough to clear town hall 10 and clear town hall 11
Have you ever wondered why your clan meet a very strong clan in Clan Wars? Even sometimes, the opponent have more than 5-6 bases at 1-tier level. In my observation, if a clan has more 1-tier base, that clan will win mostly. (For example, you search a clan war of 20 and your clan has 5 hall 10, 12 hall 9, 3 hall 8 and your opponent has 3 hall 10, 14 hall 9 and 3 hall 8. Then your clan has more advantages in 1-tier of hall10).
Unfair match make you get angry :D

Why unfair search still exist? Because of MatchMaking system machnism of Clash of Clans. "The matchmaking system in Clan Wars puts your clan against another clan of similar strength both offensively and defensively, and of the same size, rounded down to multiples of five eligible members. Experience level of members, number of trophies, number of wars won by a clan and clan level will not influence the matchmaking process whatsoever." (Wikia).

After a leader click on war search button, it is listed in a queue with other's clan requests. The "perfect" couple with similar strength will be matched. If there is no similar clan, it is still in the queue.
Logically, Supercell can not let your request into timeless status, then after "acceptable waiting time", your clan will be matched with slightly similar clan. Luckily, your opponent strength will lower than you or you will say "UNFAIR, Supercell".

In Short, before the end of "Acceptable Waiting Time", the leader should cancel Clan War Matchmaking and start searching again. In my experience, "acceptable waiting time" is under 10 minutes. Be patient and you will have wishing matches :D.

Remember that found clan is the first factor to decide you have more advantages in Clan War, but it does not mean that you will win in the match. It still depends on several factors such as members skills, luckiness while dropping the troops... but I still hope that this tip will help you guys can search very "fair" Clan Wars.
Hi all,
3 star town hall 11 in Clash of Clans is a very very difficult mission for the appearing of Eagle Artillery, which kills golem very fast and other troops in a wide rage of attack. How to against it? I summarize two strategies so far that I know below to have 3 star Town hall11, even max defs. For sure if you guys can attack these to Town hall 11, it is very easy for Town hall 10 max defs also.
In large-space bases and Eagle Artillery placing near edge, you can apply Queen Walk alongwith Lava and balloon.

The path of Super Queen (Destroy air def and eagle artillery

I would like to share to you my own way to have 3 star town hall 11 in Clash of Clans.
  • Suggested Troops: KQ40, Grand Warden (air mode), 4-5 healers, 15 balloon, 3 lava (1 lava cc included), the last is bomb, minions, archer (or hogs to trigger opponent's cc) depending on specific bases.
  • Suggested Spells: 2 rage, 2 freeze, 3 haste, 1 poison (sometimes we can use 4 haste depending on bases).
  • Main concept: Super Queen kills defs at edge but must kill opponent's Queen, at least 1-2 air def, CC troop and Eagle Artillery. Just after Eagle Artillery is killed, lava balloon should be released. remember do not release all troops, you must save it to "clean" at the end of the match or you do not have enough time
    Practice makes perfect, following are videos show you above strategy

     When you use this strategy, it should be flexible to adjust number of troops depending on bases. I hope that you can do it perfectly to have town hall 11 3 star war in Clash of Clans.
    Hi all,
    Taking 3 star town hall 11 in Clash of Clans is a very very difficult mission for the appearing of Eagle Artillery, which kills golem very fast and other troops in a wide rage of attack. How to against it? I summarize two strategies so far that I know below to have 3 star Town hall11, even max defs. For sure if you guys can attack these to Town hall 11, it is very easy for Town hall 10 max defs also.
    Luckily, after the latest update, witches level 3 is very strong when I spawn 10 units at the same time. This means that if you use 10 witches in a match, that spawn 100 skeleton. For such number, even multi inferno must be surrendered.
    Eagle Artillery is so dangerous with Town hall 11

    How to take 3 star town hall 11 with witch 3? This is my experience you should consider to use in war.
    • Suggested Troops: KQ40, Grand Warden (ground mode and must have), 4 healers, 9 witches, 1 golem, 7 wizards, the last is bomb, minions, archer (or hogs to trigger opponent's cc) depending on specific bases.
    • Suggested Spells: 2 freeze (or 1 freeze, 1 rage), 8 earthquake (1 earthquake in cc included).
    • Main concept: Release two places of 4 earthquakes to create a funnel through the base. Then you should release super Queen to kill defs at edge but must kill Eagle Artillery (if you can kill King & Queen and CC by 1 rage, that's the best). Just after Eagle Artillery is killed, all troops should be released to run into the funnel.
    • Also save some troops (archer, minion) to "clean" at the end of the match or you do not have enough time
    Practice makes perfect, following are videos show you above strategy

     When you use this strategy, it should be flexible to adjust number of troops depending on bases. I hope that you can take 3 star town hall 11 in Clash of Clans.
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